MONEY MATTERS with Christopher Hensley

Over the next 3 months you will see one of the largest PR campaigns in this country's history promoting the Affordable Care Act. I spent 2 days out of my week last week getting certifed to be able to help people understand their options, apply for coverage and get enrolled.

Prior to this, I did not realize the amount of changes that were taking place. If you do not have health coverage in 2014 you will be penalized on your 2014 taxes. This affects indivduals and business's as well.

I am putting together a podcast show devoted to answering questions about the Affordable Care Act. Please email me at any questions that you have about the Affordable Care Act and I will answer them for you on this episode.

You can listen live by going to and clicking on the HD3 tab. You can also listen to this episode and others by podcast at: 

Category:Affordable Care Act -- posted at: 8:05am PST

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