MONEY MATTERS with Christopher Hensley

On todays show we discuss the topic how to save for college without going broke. We were joined by author Reecy Aresty.


For over three decades, Reecy has been pioneering a topic of immense concern to millions of families.  He takes great pride ensuring that students obtain that all-important edge at application time and helps parents employ legal strategies to pay less than they ever dreamed possible.  He’s the author of, How To Pay For College Without Going Broke, arguably the most revealing book ever written on college admissions & financial aid.  The only book of its kind available in Spanish, it is a virtual guide that takes families on a journey from the first day of 9th grade, up to and including going off to college. 

Founder and President of Payless For College, Inc., in Boca Raton, FL, and with clients on three continents, he has been presenting free seminars for years primarily in Florida, New England, the  San Francisco area, and has a coast-to-coast presence.  

Reecy and his book have received critical acclaim from parents, students, and the media all across America.  Guidance counselors, admissions experts, and college funding professionals have all used How To Pay For College Without Going Broke as a guide to enhance their practice.

To learn more about the book you can visit:



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Category:College Funding and Financial Aid -- posted at: 7:54am PST